Occasionally, your search may not yield any results (or your desired result!). The suggestions in this article will help you to troubleshoot and refine your search.
The following notes provide context for how the search feature functions to help guide your searches:
- The results you will see will depend on the region and language your device is set to. By default, the search algorithm prioritizes matching places close to the user.
- The search results may change over time, because the search results rely on OpenStreetMap data, an open source map.
- For GPS coordinates, only Decimal Degrees (DD) are supported, not Degree Minute Seconds (DMS).
- Autocomplete suggestions may differ from the results you see when you click Search. This is because autocomplete tries to make best guess matches to what you're typing. The search button finds specific matches only.
- Finally, search results vary by platform.
Some suggestions for refining your search:
- Start searching as general as possible, adding detail as you go
- Try a variation on the place name (e.g. Macey Lake instead of Macey Lakes or Upper/Lower Macey Lake)
- Use a complete, rather than partial, address listing (e.g., 221B Baker Street vs 221B Baker St, London NW1 6XE, UK)
- Try searching for a place name nearby (e.g., Tyndall Glacier or Dream Lake instead of Tyndall Gorge)
- Use keywords to generate different suggestions (e.g., Tyndall Colorado instead of Tyndall Gorge)
- Check your spelling & the name (e.g. Doughnut Lake vs Donut Lake, Solitude Lake vs Lake Solitude)
- If all else fails, enter the GPS coordinates for the specific location, which is especially helpful for locations with unofficial or colloquial place names. You can then save the location to your favorites and name as you would like.
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