All versions of TPE (The Photographer's Ephemeris) show azimuths and bearings relative to true north by default
Photo Ephemeris Web
For details on using Magnetic North in Photo Ephemeris Web, please see this article. Magnetic north is rarely required unless you are using a field compass which has not been offset for local magnetic declination. If you're uncertain, or you're not using a field compass, we recommend leaving this feature off.
Photo Ephemeris iOS
Our iOS app has an optional setting to use Magnetic North. This is rarely required unless you are using a field compass which has not been offset for local magnetic declination. If you're uncertain, or you're not using a field compass, we recommend leaving this setting off.
When enabled, the app will display all numerical azimuths as measured relative to magnetic north. The magnetic declination (i.e. the difference between true and magnetic north, in degrees) is determined automatically based on the red (primary) pin location and the selected date. TPE uses the World Magnetic Model to determine this. At the time of writing, TPE 4.5.3 uses WMM2015b (the current version).
Note: enabling magnetic north has no effect on how the azimuth lines are drawn on the map. Changing a setting doesn't change where the sun will rise ;)
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