In general, we welcome use of screenshots from our apps and logos in print, television & film, or on your website, subject to the requirements set out below.
If you have any specific questions not covered here, or want to double check anything, please get in touch by opening a support request - we're happy to answer as best we can.
Screenshots should include all portions of the user interface and not be cropped, unless to illustrate a particular feature of the software (e.g. just the timeline) for instructional purposes. Do not crop out logos, badges, copyright statements etc.
Do not deliberately obscure any portion of the screenshot (e.g. attribution text and logos included on maps) with the exception of any personally identifiable information ('PII') which should be redacted.
Be careful to double check your screenshot before use. In particular:
- Ensure that the selected date and time zone are correct for your use case. Time zones determined automatically by the app can sometimes differ from local time used on the ground. For historical or archeological use cases, you may need to add clarification in your accompanying text to explain the selected date and time zone. In general, input dates to our apps are according to the Gregorian calendar. Time zone data is most accurate from 1970 onwards. It is unlikely to be accurate for dates prior to 1900, before time zones were widely adopted and when local mean time was in use. If in doubt, please contact us.
- Ensure that you are running the most up to date version of the app available at the time. Screenshots from old versions should not be used.
- Ensure that the screenshot does not display any errors related to network connectivity: if your device is offline when you use the app, some data (e.g. map tiles, elevation, time zone) may be unavailable.
If your proposed screenshot does not comply with the above guidelines, please contact us to discuss options.
Along with any screenshot of The Photographer's Ephemeris, please include a link back to the web app, for example:
This link will open in all versions of the TPE app (web, iOS, Android). The URL format is documented here: TPE URL Parameters.
If your use case makes linking to a specific geographic location inappropriate (for example, it would be inconsistent with local laws or regulations, or you wish to avoid exposing a precise location in line with conservation principles such as those of Nature First Photography), then instead please include a link to our website at
Text accompanying any screenshot should state clearly the name of the source application, for example, "Screenshot from The Photographer's Ephemeris".
In print or eBook publications, please include the applicable copyright statements below:
- The Photographer's Ephemeris is a trademark of Crookneck Consulting LLC, registered in the United States
- The Photographer's Transit is a trademark of Crookneck Consulting LLC
- The Photographer's Ephemeris 3D is a trademark of Crookneck Consulting LLC
- Photo Ephemeris is a trademark of Crookneck Consulting LLC
At the first use of any of our product names or brands listed above, please include the trademark symbol (™), except for The Photographer's Ephemeris, where the registered trademark symbol (®) should be used instead if your audience is primarily US-based.
3rd Party Permissions
Our apps make use of mapping products provided by third parties. We recommend you determine independently whether you need separate permission from third parties for your specific use case. We cannot make that determination for you.
The relevant third parties can generally be determined by examining the attribution text displayed at the bottom of the map. You may see map data sources attributed specifically. In general however, consult the terms and permissions guidance of the mapping platform provider in the first instance (e.g. Google, Apple) rather than the underlying map data provider. If you are uncertain about which maps are displayed, please contact us.
For screenshots including Google Maps, please consult:
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