Sun and Moon
You can optionally disable the sun or moon in Settings. If you have a PRO subscription, you can also enable/disable display of the Galactic Center (the center of the Milky Way) and Meteor showers.
Note: currently, the Meteor setting only affects the 3D Sphere view. Meteor showers are not displayed on the Map.
In addition, for convenience, you can control the Sun/Moon/Galactic Center display options from a control at the top right of the Map and Sphere pages. Toggle the display on/off by clicking the switch control:
Main Display
The display options control above the map to the right (highlighted below) allows you to configure what is shown. Here are the four possible states:
1) Map, Timeline + Altitude Chart
2) Map + Altitude Chart only
3) Map + Timeline only
4) Map only
Full Screen
Irrespective of the display mode selected above, you can always toggle full screen on/off. When enabled, the header and footer are hidden to maximise screen real estate for the map:
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