These release notes apply to Photo Ephemeris Web. Please send your questions, feedback and observations via the Help button at the bottom right of the page.
If you are interested to try the very latest beta version, please see the beta release notes. The beta release notes also include details on patch releases, which are no longer included here.
See also: Known Issues
3.15 Jan 31 2025
- NEW: Introducing Photo WX - Weather for Photographers. Read more.
- NEW: World Magnetic Model updated to WMM2025 to provide magnetic declination predictions for the years 2025 to 2030. The app retains prior versions from 2015 to 2024 inclusive.
- NEW: adds new low cost Supporter plan for regular site users who need additional planning tools, but aren't yet ready for Pro
- UPDATE: the date selection control is all new. You can type a date directly into the control as before - hit enter to have your input parsed. If it's not a format we understand, the input will remain visible, otherwise you'll see your parsed date displayed in a standard format. Alternatively, select from the date selection drop down.
- UPDATED: what3words search now requires a Supporter or Pro subscription. As their API is now a paid service we can no longer offer this to free plan users.
- UPDATED: new subscriptions to Skyfire+ are no longer offered through Photo Ephemeris Web. Existing subscribers may continue to use their plan without interruption. Sign in to your account for access, as usual.
- UPDATE: This version has some major internal changes: I've stripped out all the date and time zone handling functionality and replaced it with some newer libraries. This has taken quite a bite out of the total compiled size of the web app, so it should help with loading times and memory footprint.
- FIX: updated server URLs for IGN map layers
- FIX: Geodetics line sightline spacing had an off-by-two error in the distance calculation (low impact)
- FIX: caption for Start of Golden Hour in the timeline in English was incorrect
3.14 Sep 13 2024
- NEW: the approximate day/night terminator line is shown on the map at lower map zoom levels (<8). This indicates the transition from day to night across the globe. Read more about how to interpret this on our forum post
- NEW: the sub solar point is shown on map at lower map zoom levels (<8). This indicates the point on map where the Sun lies directly overhead at the given date/time.
- NEW: the Moon azimuth line remains visible until an altitude of -5 degrees, to enable easier planning for locations where the observer is elevated above the local horizon
- NEW: the Sun and Moon azimuth lines remain fully visible (higher opacity, greater width) while the altitude is above the dip of the horizon. (The dip of the horizon is greater than zero when you enable the correction for elevation above the horizon.)
- UPDATED: the app should prompt to reload in the event that a modules cannot be successfully loaded. This is instead of the default "Something went wrong" error screen.
3.13 July 10 2024
NEW: Visual Search parameters, filters and results can now be exported as CSV files. See the download tab in the Visual Search Panel:
- If you have the Range option checked in the Target section of the Visual search form, then each result will have both starting_ and ending_ entries in the resulting CSV. When unchecked, each result includes only a single time and set of circumstances
- You may wish to download the search parameters and filters as well as the results and manually combine them in a local file. The Export options to CSV are provided separately so that each download is a valid CSV format without any additional header information or text, which can make processing the data harder after download.
- Exported CSV files are named with the prefix 'vs', followed by the download type, then a date/time string to millisecond precision (for uniqueness). You can open the files in a text editor or tools like Excel for further processing.
- Each result includes 1 or 2 URLs linking back to Photo Ephemeris that can be used to view the exact timing and circumstances.
- There's further discussion around this functionality on the forum.
NEW: Support for Visual Search parameters in the URL scheme. The new parameters are documented here
- The Visual Search CSV export now additionally includes a `url` parameter that includes these new settings. Additionally the search parameters are included in the individual results export. (Note that the start date for the search is the date of the result itself, rather than the date from which you may first have executed the search.)
- When sharing a URL, if Visual Search settings have been changed from the defaults, the shared URL will include the search parameters and filters, if any.
- NEW: Visual Search params and filters are now saved and restored from your local browser when starting a new session. Note: some browsers (e.g. Safari) delete browser local storage after 7 days if you don't revisit the site, so consider this a convenience rather than safe storage for your search settings.
- UPDATED: geodetics line now shows white background for improved legibility (particularly on satellite maps)
- NEW: axial composition guides are displayed for both map pins when geodetics is enabled and the map is zoomed to level 15 or higher. These are shown orthogonally (i.e. at 90 degrees) to the geodetics line. They can be used to visually check that a shooting position is on-axis to a building (important in architectural photography) and to easily see what times the elevation of a building can potentially receive direct sunlight
- FIX: sightline and geodetics panel position would sometimes stay too far right in the window
- FIX: sightline controls styling
3.12 May 9 2024
- NEW: the events list and timeline now include the Moon's maximum and minimum declination. At these times, moonrise and set occur at their most northerly or southerly azimuths in the current draconic month (which runs from the Moon's passage through its ascending node to the next). With the major lunar standstill reaching its peak in 2024-25, these additional events can be used to help identify opportunities to shoot the Moon in alignments that only occur every 18-19 years. Requires PRO subscription.
- NEW: explanations for each timeline event plus photography tips are shown when hovering the mouse over any event in the timeline. You can disable these on the Settings page if desired.
- UPDATED: the events list now shows extended titles for each listed event, making it clearer what is being shown
- UPDATED: when geodetics is enabled, the sightline chart can now be toggled on/off entirely using the new chart button at the right hand side. This may be useful for users with limited screen real estate
- UPDATED: the Settings page no longer includes Sun/Moon/GC/Meteor controls - use the display settings drop down on the Map and 3D pages to manage which astronomical bodies are shown
3.11 Feb 8 2024
- NEW: we've overhauled the geodetics function to add a sightline analysis chart (requires PRO subscription)
- The sightline analysis chart is similar to that found in TPE for iOS. It shows the elevation profile from red pin to grey pin when geodetics is enabled. The parts of the sightline that we expect to be visible, as viewed from the red pin, are shown in a solid line. Areas that are obstructed by terrain are shown in a dotted line. The sightline does not account for buildings or vegetation.
- The sightline analysis accounts for any elevation offset you have entered for the map pins. For example, if you are flying a drone at 300 meters above ground height, you can enter that as the red pin offset and the sightline analysis will show what is visible along the path to the grey pin from that height. Similarly, if you are shooting a building at the grey pin position, you can enter an offset equal to the height of the building and check if the top is visible from the red pin (or vice versa).
- As you move the map over the sightline chart, a legend indicates the distance, elevation and altitude angle from the red pin. Additionally, the corresponding location is displayed on the map, so you can associate features in the elevation profile with the corresponding terrain.
- If the Sun, Moon or Galactic Center azimuths are within ±5° of the geodetics bearing, a line indicating the apparent height above the ground of the body at distance of the grey pin, as seen from the red pin, allowing for any primary elevation offset, is displayed. You'll see these lines move as you adjust the time of day.
- Additionally, for the Sun and Moon, a thicker vertical line is displayed at the right hand side of the chart which indicates the apparent size. As the distance from red to grey pin increases, the apparent size of the Sun or Moon increases also. If you're juxtaposing the Moon behind the Empire State Building from 14 miles, you can use this feature to see that a full Moon appears to be around half the height of the building itself. All you need now is a large telephoto lens with a teleconverter to shoot it with!
- The geodetics chart can be expanded or collapsed using a the arrow button at right. The chart has an opaque white background when the mouse hovers over it for legibility. Otherwise, it is shown with some transparency so you can still get context from the map underneath.
- Moving the mouse over the chart shows the distance, elevation and apparent altitude angle from the red pin, plus a visibility indicator.
- NOTE: the elevation data used for the profile is the same as that used for the 3D terrain. The dataset is derived from multiple sources and may not be an exact match for your selected elevation model, but is usually very close.
3.10 Jan 27 2024
- NEW: a link to our new community forum is shown for signed in users. Sign up is free - use the link to view the invite code. Please join us there!
- IMPROVED: graphics performance on 3D page while adjusting the time slider should be noticeably smoother
- IMPROVED: loading display for 3D page
- IMPROVED: instructions and reload button shown if 3D map fails to load (replaces the 'bomb' icon for map tile load errors)
- IMPROVED: clear warning message displayed if the app cannot contact to obtain elevation, time zone data
- CHANGED: account sign in is required to access the Search form and Events list
- CHANGED: lines of the sphere representing key bearing have been removed to reduce visual clutter
- UPDATED: major version upgrades to multiple libraries
- FIXED: on setting the primary pin from a saved location, the elevation was not updated (believed to be a regression in 3.9)
3.9 Nov 14 2023
Major improvements to solar eclipse functionality. Yes, we've been doing a lot of solar eclipse stuff this year, but with the Oct 2023 annular eclipse and the Apr 8 2024 total eclipse coming up in under five months, it's now or never!
- NEW: in the events page, there's now a dedicated solar eclipse tab - explore eclipses past, present and future!
- NEW: while viewing and eclipse, try clicking the expand button at the top right of the eclipse simulator for a full page view (free for historical eclipses, PRO for future eclipses)
- NEW: in the full page eclipse simulator, there are new controls to adjust the select time and playback, a completely new 'outline' mode that shows the lunar limb profile (PRO for future eclipses)
- NEW: the upgrade simulator now shows a detailed, accurate view of Baily's Beads
- Check out these new and updated posts to learn more:
3.8 Aug 15 2023
NEW: lines of partial eclipse are now shown for PRO subscribers:
- NEW: In the Share form, PRO subscribers now have access to a built-in link shortener with the option to create custom links in the share page, e.g. links to Photo Ephemeris Web Beta showing a location on the 80% partial eclipse line at the time of max eclipse in New Mexico for April 8 2024.
- IMPROVED: In the Share form, PRO subscribers may now choose whether to link to the /start page (recommended for links shared to social media) or to the default map page (as before)
- Bug fixes
3.7.7 Aug 3 2023
- FIXED: false positive time zone error display on first load
- FIXED: false positive elevation error display frequency
- FIXED: 💣 display in 3D sphere on switching to page when default map is not available at the current zoom level. You may still see the bomb icon in case of actual error response from the map tile provider or other network errors
- IMPROVED: reduced network API calls on first load
- IMPROVED: higher contrast to indicate when geodetics button is enabled
- IMPROVED: reduced page layout shift on first load
3.7 July 27 2023
- UPDATED: we've removed the account sign-in requirement for basic usage of the site. This was introduced back in 2020 when operating costs for the site had become an issue. Now, you can use free features of the site without an account, although we still recommend signing in (to save your Settings, Locations, and to access PRO and Skyfire subscription features).
- NEW: a site tour is available - click Start tour to begin
- NEW: if you share a link from the web app, the link now opens at the /start page, which provides a simplified view of the key sun and moon information. If you visit the site on a mobile phone, you'll see this page by default (the site is designed for use on desktop or laptop computers)
- UPDATED: we've made solar eclipse information for 2023 and 2024 available to all users, with no subscription required.
- UPDATED: time zone and elevation queries are now routed via a proxy. You should see improved network response times (~33% improvement is typical)
- IMPROVED: when navigating to a place name or address search result, the map bounds and zoom level now better match the search data
- UPDATED: the 'Sphere' page has been renamed to '3D'
- UPDATED: 3D controls have been redesigned and simplified. The option to enable/disable the map has been removed (there seems little reason to disable the map nowadays)
- FIXED: the Yallop crescent moon visibility code was incorrect in some circumstances (regression bug)
- UPDATED: UI refinements and fixes
3.6.13 July 3 2023
- UPDATED: Skyfire features list
- FIXED: Nature First links (thanks Michael Lauer)
3.6.12 June 29 2023
- UPDATED: Skyfire forecast selection. Some changes to forecast models. Confidence maps and the NBM forecast have been deprecated. The Global Ensemble forecast (which will be renamed in a future release) is now single source. After analysis of forecast performance, we've switched to using NAM (NA, HI, AK) and GFS (EU, Australia/NZ) for day 0 and 1 forecasts. In particular, the previous models using the ensemble forecast, HRRR and RAP, tended to be overly pessimistic with respect to cloud cover. We find NAM typically produces better results. For EU, the combination of GFS and GEM would at time produce overly optimistic forecasts in some areas - the single source GFS performs better. With the move to single source, the confidence map is no longer applicable. However, we recommend comparing models to see which performs best in your area.
3.6.11 June 12 2023
- FIX: applying filters in Visual Search when Range was unchecked would result in a crash (regression in 3.6, fixed here)
- FIX: rarely a solar eclipse could display one day off the correct date (May 10 2013 was the only known example, but there were likely others)
- FIX: solar eclipse obscuration value for annular eclipses was incorrect at certain times
- IMPROVED: two-finger drag on the timeline no longer risks navigating one page back in browsers. Fixed for most browsers except Safari, which does not support the override behavior
- UPDATED: translations into supported languages
- UPDATED: while the solar eclipse paths are not directly coupled to our web app releases, since the previous release, we've made improvements to the path calculations, in particular adding support for eclipses passing over polar regions. Some glitches and edge cases remain to be resolved (of upcoming eclipses, particularly for Aug 12 2026), but the great majority of paths are working well.
3.6.8 June 4 2023
- FIX: Yallop new moon visibility codes were not displayed (regression in 3.6)
3.6.7 May 28 2023
- FIX: incorrect Skyfire forecast displayed (regression in 3.6)
3.6.6 May 26 2023
- FIX: workaround for crash on Safari 14.1
- FIX: console error messages ('t.t0 is null' or similar)
- UPDATE: open eye safety page in new tab when link clicked
3.6 May 25 2023
NEW: solar eclipse planning tools! With an annular eclipse (14 Oct 2023) and a 4-minute long total solar eclipse (Apr 8 2024) soon to traverse North America, we've added a set of tools to help you plan solar eclipse photography to Photo Ephemeris Web:
- Eclipse paths are available for most eclipses for all users (partial only eclipses and those crossing polar regions are not yet supported)
- PRO subscribers can also view eclipse contact times and an eclipse simulator to help plan the event in detail
- The page Solar Eclipse Planning includes full details on using the new functionality
- See Technical Note: Solar Eclipse Functionality for details on data sources, computation methods, limitation and more
- UPDATED: the disc size of the moon is now relative to average rather than minimum, so "super moons" will appear to be around +7% rather than +14%. This feels like a less sensationalist approach.
- UPDATED: as part of this release, we've completely rebuilt the internal astronomical algorithm library. There should be virtually no detectable differences to the end user, although the new version results in a smaller download size for the site, and benefits from some subtle fixes along with an expanded test suite to make sure we're getting the right results. You may notice some improvements to Visual Search results (the new library appears to avoid both incomplete results for range searches and most duplicate result cases that would occasionally happen previously)
- UPDATED: the timeline events now occupy whatever width is required to display the title text (previously this was truncated in some cases)
3.5.4 Feb 13 2023
- FIXED: sharing URLs were not correctly generated - now fixed (regression in 3.5.2)
3.5.2 Feb 11 2023
- NEW: adds PlanIGN and OrthoIGN map types for PRO subscribers. These are, respectively, a regional combined street + topographic and satellite maps focussed on France (up to zoom level 19). Reduced maximum zoom levels available outside of France
- IMPROVED: better handling of query parameters in URLs (app no longer 'swallows' all query parameters upon loading)
- Bug fixes
3.4.4 Jan 22 2023
- FIXED: locations could not be saved for non-PRO users
3.4.3 Jan 21 2023
- FIXED: occasional crash on enabling Skyfire layers
- FIXED: stray '0' displayed near elevation value; misaligned text at top right of page
3.4.2 Jan 20 2023
- NEW: PRO subscribers can now include elevation offsets in saved locations, making it easy to store particular shooting locations (e.g. the observation deck of a particular skyscraper) or subjects (e.g. the height of the tip of radio antenna). Any elevation offset greater than 2m will be displayed in the locations list.
- CHANGED: primary pin elevation offset is now taken into account when observer elevation above the horizon is calculated. For example, if you're shooting from the 71st floor of a skyscraper, you can set the elevation offset for the primary pin (enable geodetics, then edit the offsets, PRO account required), then enable Height above the Horizon. Rise/set times are now adjusted for the observer (i.e. camera) elevation above the horizon. This also means that Visual Search can now account more easily for situations where the camera is elevated above the ground and the target altitude is a negative value.
- IMPROVED: UI cleaned up for elevation at horizon controls/form (the tutorial has been updated accordingly)
- IMPROVED: If elevation offset is set for primary pin (via Edit Geodetics form), the value is displayed next to the primary pin elevation above sea level when Geodetics is disabled
- CHANGED: Visual Search on/off switch has moved to the top right of the Sphere display to make room for the additional horizon and primary elevation offset data display
- CHANGED: Magnetic north control has moved to the Settings page to de-clutter the Map page UI. Also added a link to the Help Article page explaining when magnetic north should be enabled (short version: very rarely)
- CHANGED: minimum altitude in Visual Search has been changed to -5 degrees. This should account for pretty much any situation and should also reduce the incidence of form validation warnings without affecting the search results. -5 degrees corresponds to the greatest negative horizon altitude that is ever likely to be encountered (unless you're in outer space).
3.3.13 Jan 12 2023
- NEW: we've unified the map layer controls between Default (Leaflet) and Google Maps. There's now a single button at the top left of the map which opens a panel to select the map type, and Skyfire or Light Pollution overlays.
- ** PRO USERS ** if you are looking for Google Maps please use the new map type/layer control and select from the options on the left of the map
- NEW: Skyfire and Light Pollution overlays are now visible when viewing Google Maps (but NOTE: you may need to zoom out, as Google Maps does not support the dynamic over-zooming of map tiles that we use with Leaflet)
- NEW: Two new map types for PRO subscribers: USGS Topo (topographic map for the USA) and USGS Imagery Topo (combined satellite and topographic features for USA)
- NEW: expanded Skyfire coverage: Alaska, Hawaii, Australia/New Zealand
- NEW: Alaska forecasts include all models. RAP and HRRR are used for Days 0/1 global ensemble, and GFS for later days. Confidence map is available for Days 0/1
- NEW: Hawaii forecasts include all GFS, NAM, GEM. GFS is used for all days in the Global Ensemble
- NEW: Australia forecasts include GFS and GEM. The Global Ensemble forecast for Australia is based solely on GFS at present. There is no confidence map for Australia right now, but we expect to add one at a future date
- UPDATED: we've tweaked the styling of the app to squeeze out a few more pixels for the map and altitude chart by eliminating some margins and padding
- UPDATED: performance optimization for 3D Terrain
- UPDATED: maps library version update
- UPDATED: improved styling on Sphere page for map attribution
- UPDATED: Google Maps now shows the map scale at the lower right (in amongst the other attribution text, strangely). If you click on the scale you can toggle the units from metric to US/Imperial
- UPDATED: updated 'toast' component for notifications
- FIXED: users with active free trials for Skyfire could not select a paid plan
- FIXED: fixed dialog title text when enabled Magnetic North for non-PRO users
- FIXED: layout issues on Locations page when viewing locations with long titles
- Please send your feedback to
3.1.0 Dec 8 2022
- NEW: we have new Skyfire forecasts available - details below.
- NEW: GFS (Global Forecast System) for both North America and Europe
- NEW: GEM (Global Environmental Multiscale Model) for North America and Europe
- NEW: Confidence Map now cover Europe (the constituent models are GFS and GEM
- NEW: RAP (Rapid Refresh) for North America
- UPDATED: the models we use for the average forecasts have changed. For North America, for today and tomorrow (Day 0 and 1), we use RAP, HRRR, and NAM, and for later days GFS. For Europe, GEM and GFS are used for all days.
3.0.14 Sep 30 2022
- FIXES: error affecting some users on trying to change subscription plan
3.0.13 Sep 30 2022
- NEW: Skyfire+ is now available in Photo Ephemeris Web 3.0! Skyfire provides forecasts for photographers predicting colorful sunrises and sunset, with coverage across North America and Europe. Read more on our blog.
- If you already have a Skyfire subscription, you will be able to sign in using your normal account to access Skyfire features in Photo Ephemeris Web
- You may subscribe to Skyfire+ within the web app or upgrade your existing Pro subscription. See the Subscribe page for details
- Read about subscription options here: Skyfire Subscription Options
- Non-subscribers can view a coverage map and a sample forecast
- You may redeem a free 7 day trial of Skyfire+ from the subscribe page. If you would like to continue to access Skyfire+ after that, please choose a suitable subscription plan. Existing PRO subscribers may choose 'Manage Subscription', then 'Change Plan' to switch to a combined PRO & Skyfire Plus subscriptionSkyfire forecasts are not currently available when using Google Maps
- Enable Skyfire forecasts in the Default maps using the new Skyfire map layer control towards the top left of the map.
- Tutorial here: Using Photo Ephemeris Web, Part 11: Skyfire (BETA)
- You can view Skyfire forecasts for favorite locations by selecting a forecast type and then sunrise or sunset from the controls at the top of the Locations page.
- For North America, we have four new forecast maps available: 1) HRRR (High Resolution Rapid Refresh), 2) North America Mesoscale (NAM), 3) National Blend of Models (NBM) and 4) Skyfire Ensemble Confidence. Each is available for today and tomorrow only for Skyfire+ subscribers. The first three are individual weather models that Skyfire uses to create the Skyfire Ensemble forecast (the default model available with a basic Skyfire subscription). The Confidence map shows the level of agreement between the three constituent forecasts: where they all agree, confidence is high (white); where they disagree, confidence is lower (dark grey)
- NOTE: to view Skyfire forecasts, please select the "Default" map type. We're working on adding support for these layers with Google Maps too - more to come
- NEW: the app will automatically locate to your approximate location, as detected from your IP address, (unless (i) you open the app from a link with a specific location included; (ii) you have a default location set; or (iii) you have a location stored in your browser from a previous session)
- FIX: address search results no longer sometimes display coordinates 0.0, 0.0
2.10.13 Aug 16 2022
- CHANGED: added link to status page in footer
2.10.11 Aug 12 2022
- CHANGED: improvements to default map layer control
2.10.10 Aug 6 2022
- FIX: the app no longer incorrectly redirects new visitors to the "Join" page when directly accessing the Sign Up page
- CHANGED: added 'Learn More' links to the Join page
2.10.9 Aug 3 2022
- FIX: when resetting a password on a mobile device or new browser, the app no longer incorrectly redirects to the "Join" landing page
2.10.7 Jul 10 2022
- IMPROVED: pricing display and purchase flow for subscription plans
2.10.3 Jun 9 2022
- FIX: default map geodesics are now a close match to those shown by Google maps for distances up to 200 miles (321 km)
- FIX: in particular circumstances when dragging a map pin with geodetics enabled, a rare crash could occur due to the app trying to calculate too many points on the geodesic curve
2.10.2 Jun 9 2022
- FIX: small inaccuracy in azimuth and geodetics lines direction (regression in 2.9.1/2.9.2). If you have planned any high precision (large distance and/or long focal length) alignments between May 25 and Jun 9, we recommend re-checking them with this latest version.
2.10.1 May 30 2022
NEW: Locations page now supports filtering by favorite locations. Click
at the top left to filter by favorites. Click
against an individual location to mark it as a favorite (or again to unfavorite it). Favorite status is synchronized with your account, so any favorites you have set up in TPE for iOS will also appear in the web app (and vice versa).
- UPDATED: refinements to the Location page UI. The maximum width has been reduced in order to lower the distance your mouse has to travel to select a location and set the map pin from it. Let us know how you find it.
- FIX: UI crash on changing subscription plan successfully (this didn't prevent the plan being changed, but you probably would have wondered what had happened...)
2.9.2 May 28 2022
- UPDATE: azimuth and geodetics lines display as geodesics when using default maps (see also 2.9.1 notes). When geodetics is enabled and while dragging either map pin, the line between the pins continues to be drawn as a geodesic, but with a lower accuracy tolerance than when the pins are static (for performance reasons).
- FIX: azimuth and geodetics lines span the anti-meridian correctly when using default maps
2.9.1 May 25 2022
- FIX: in 2.9.0, displayed payment information was not refreshed after updating your payment method
- UPDATE: azimuth lines display as geodesics when using Google Maps (PRO)
2.9.0 May 22 2022
- UDPATED: cleaner UI for the subscription page
- NEW: current payment method is now shown (if you don't see it at first, wait a minute then reload the page)
NEW: subscribers can now change their current plan. For example, you can upgrade from a monthly to an annual plan to save on effective cost per month. When you change plan, prior to confirming, you will be shown a preview of charges payable today (or credit balance) and details of your next charge under the new plan. (Note: If you have a discount code ('coupon') applied to your current purchase, the discount will no longer apply after changing plan. This is not supported by our payment processor.)
An updated guide to managing your subscription is available.
2.8.11 May 16 2022
- FIX: secondary pin elevation was not re-queried on change of selected elevation data source (PRO users)
- FIX: on initial load, elevation data may have been sourced from SRTM3 and not refreshed to the user's preferred elevation source (PRO users)
- FIX: if elevation data was unverified (pending response from network, error response, or unknown value received), there was no indication in the UI that this was the case
- FIX: if primary and secondary pin elevation sources were inconsistent with the selected elevation source (PRO users), this was not indicated in the UI. (Generally, this situation should not arise, but in case of network problems, it is possible.)
- NEW: in conjunction with the fixes listed above, the Geodetics panel will show either a red question mark for unverified elevation related results, or warning triangles in the case of inconsistent data sources. The warning triangles show a tool tip when you hover over them displaying the current data source for each pin elevation value.
- IMPROVED: when moving map pins with geodetics enabled, the geodetics results no longer briefly show 'random' numbers while the elevation data refreshes (they weren't in fact random, but they might as well have been)
- UPDATED: the subscription management page UI has been refreshed and updated.
2.8.10 Apr 22 2022
- FIX: Enabling geodetics before moving the map would result in the app locking up (regression in 2.8.6)
2.8.9 Mar 28 2022
- FIX: App could crash if a far future date was typed into the date field (e.g. the year 61999!)
- UPDATED: eliminated unnecessary error logging for expected situations (e.g. need to sign in again)
2.8.8 Mar 27 2022
- UPDATED: Time zone information now differentiates between 'known', 'pending' and 'unknown' states (where 'unknown' means the time zone could not be retrieved, usually due to a network error). When 'unknown' a warning triangle is displayed which links to the appropriate support article
- FIX: resolve and occasional 'under-the-hood' error that could occur when navigating away from the map
2.8.6 Mar 24 2022
- FIX: Visual search form fields would lose focus after the initial search (regression in 2.8)
- UPDATED: major version update to default mapping library. No functional changes. (2.8.6 is a cumulative fix for some issues in 2.8.5 and 2.8.4 that affect Leaflet map functionality.)
2.8.3 Mar 8 2022
- FIX: Missing disc illumination and waxing/waning indication for moon rise/transit/set events (regression in 2.8)
- FIX: 3D Terrain indicator was not showing warning when map zoom level was too high
- FIX: with map only enabled (no 3D terrain) in Sphere page, ground disc appeared partially transparent
- FIX: Fix for rare bug affecting selection of an event in the event list
2.8 Mar 6 2022
NEW: Events List. Access a list of key annual events using the new button to the right of the date/event controls. The list shows all lunar events plus solstices and equinoxes. Click to select and then use the button at the bottom right of the form to set the app to the event date/time.
On opening, the event list scrolls to show the event nearest to the current selected date.
To view events for past or future years, switch the date to the year in question and then re-open the event list.
2.7.15 Mar 2 2022
- FIXED: 3D Sphere page rendering could break after navigating away and later back to the Sphere page. Appears to be do to a regression bug or incompatibility in the underlying 3D library, which has been reverted to an earlier version. This may also explain why 3D terrain would sometimes not appear for some users (update: apparently not - this one is still under investigation).
- UPDATED: several major under-the-hood updates to various packages and libraries. Days of work for no visible change in the app. Known as "technical debt" in the industry parlance. Sigh.
2.7.13 Feb 25 2022
- FIXED: corrected the displayed time zone name for Kyiv 🇺🇦
- UPDATED: package versions, improved error handling
2.7.11 Feb 6 2022
- CHANGED: Apparent height is now shown relative to the ground, rather than the grey pin (which may include a building height). This makes building heights set in geodetics as a secondary pin elevation offset directly comparable with the apparent height shown in the chart legend.
- FIX: mis-formatted tooltip text for Visual Search disc alignment
- FIX: if a primary pin elevation offset above a certain value was set but geodetics was not enabled, the 3D Sphere display would become corrupted. Building heights at either primary or secondary pin are now only shown when geodetics is enabled. (This may be revised in the future.)
- UPDATED: packages, libraries
2.7.10 Jan 27 2022
- FIXED: The web app should work once again in Safari 12/13. Please let us know of any issues you see.
2.7.9 Jan 26 2022
- FIXED: default location can now be saved successfully (regression in 2.7.6)
- FIXED: Geodetics form now updates correctly (regression in 2.7.7)
- FIXED: Geodetics form reset button now works as expected. (It was working. It broke. I don't know when or why or how. Such is the life of the software developer.)
- Safari 12 + 13: we're looking into how to get things working again for these browser versions. A required 'polyfill' was removed from the chart package without warning and I haven't yet worked out how to replace it. More to come on this. In the meantime, you can likely use a more current version of Firefox or Chrome to work around this issue.
2.7.8 Jan 23 2022
- UPDATED: in the 3D Sphere page, the azimuth indicators now appear smaller if you zoom the camera in. We celebrate no more giant virtual cheese wedges.
2.7.7 Jan 23 2022
- UDPATED: the German language TopOpenPlus grayscale map has been added as a replacement for OpenStreetMap B&W. This is available to all users. Note that higher zoom levels are available in Europe (Z16) and particularly Germany (Z18) than in the rest of the world (Z14). If you zoom in too far, you will see blank maps - but better that than artificially limiting it to Z14 for everyone.
2.7.6 Jan 23 2022
- UDPATED: The OpenStreetMap B&W style is not currently available. It has been replaced by the Thunderforest Atlas map style.
NEW: PRO users can now enter elevation offsets for both primary and secondary pins when geodetics is enabled. You can use these as follows:
- Set a height above the ground for the camera
- Set a building height
- Make manual corrections to the elevations supplied by the selected elevation model (e.g. in case of inaccurate values)
Enter your offsets by clicking 'Edit' in the Geodetics panel: - The form allows you to enter an offset (positive or negative - but usually positive). The form shows the effect on the geodetic calculations when you click Update:
- In the Sphere page, you will also see a visual representation of any positive elevation offsets. Typically this represents a tall building, such as a skyscraper against which you wish to align the moon, for example, One World Trade Center in New York City (height: 1776 feet):
- If you click edit in Geodetics while on the Sphere page, you can also specify the building footprint size (i.e. width and length). Default value is 100m or 328 feet:
- If you share a URL from the app, it will include elevation offsets and building footprint size parameters, and will restore them when loading a URL that contains these parameters.
- In Visual Search, if you click "Use Geodetics" to set the target search parameters, the building offset for the secondary gray pin is included. So if you want to align to the top of the building for which you have entered a height value, then you're good to go. However, you can still override the target height at the secondary pin as before (see 2.7.3), making it easy to align a moon with the base of the One World Trade Center spire, for example, at 1368 feet, while still visualizing the building at full height:
- If you swap pins on the Map page, both elevation offsets and building footprint values remains with their original locations (i.e. you don't 'move' the building by swapping the pins)
- UPDATED: Light Pollution Maps updated to 2020 version (requires PRO)
- UPDATED: Improved logic to avoid occasional errors in the Sphere page (indicated by the bomb emoji 💣) caused by trying to load map tiles before the app has received required configuration data
- UPDATED: Improved error capture pages
2.7.3 Jan 11 2022
NEW: when geodetics is enabled, the apparent height and size of the sun/moon above the secondary (grey) pin can be displayed by toggling a new button in the top right corner of the altitude chart legend:
When enabled, the chart legend displays the following information: - "Apparent height" represents the height a structure would need to be in order to reach the center of the sun or moon, as viewed from the primary (red) pin location. The required height is adjusted for curvature of the earth and atmospheric refraction.
- "Apparent size" represents the size of the sun/moon (diameter) as viewed from the grey pin. i.e. a structure would need to be this tall or wide in order to appear as tall or wide as the sun/moon.
- You can use this feature to compare the apparent height with the known height of a building at the secondary pin location to assess whether the sun/moon will align with the top of the structure (or some other desired alignment).
- Additionally, when geodetics is enabled, you can specify a target height above the secondary pin in Visual Search. This will calculate the required altitude and adjust the search parameters accordingly. You can use this to quickly identify dates when the sun/moon/galactic centre will align with a building or treetop of known height. Use this in conjunction with the Visual Search filters to get the exact shot plan you want (e.g. a setting full moon behind the Statue of Liberty):
Or you can use it to quickly specify that you want the centre of the moon to appear 250 ft above a mountain summit, for example. - These features require a PRO subscription.
UPDATE: Additional "tool tips" are available in the geodetics panel when hovering the mouse over the displayed values:
- Distance: tool tip shows the "rhumb line" (loxodrome) distance (the standard value is the great circle distance)
- Azimuth (renamed from "Bearing"): tool tip shows the rhumb line bearing (standard value is the great circle initial azimuth)
- Δ El: tool tip shows the correction for curvature of the earth and refraction at the secondary pin (the 'vertical error' or '(c+r)' in surveying textbooks)
- Altitude (renamed from "Elevation angle"): tool tip shows the altitude excluding the correction for refraction
- UPDATE: The visual search input form has been refined: when using "Use current position" or "Use geodetics", the form is less 'interventionist' than it was previously. The target values will be set even if out of range (e.g. the moon is below the horizon). On submitting the form, a validation error is displayed to explain the problem.
- UPDATE: if network issues prevent the app obtaining credentials for the search service, a warning is displayed
- FIX: loading a link that includes a secondary map pin coordinate, or reloading when geodetics is enabled, could leave the app with incorrect elevation data for the secondary pin. Now, both primary and secondary elevations are always re-queried upon initial load/reload.
- FIX: if an elevation above the horizon has been set, the minimum altitude in visual search was incorrect (wrong sign)
- FIX: the elevation at the horizon form no longer complains about entering '0' (sea level) and styling issues have been addressed
- FIX: missing tooltips and translations in the chart legend and visual search results
- FIX: altitude tolerance in Visual Search would sometimes appear to be reset
- FIX: working light in the 3D Sphere is brighter and a less ghastly fluorescent green
- FIX: secondary pin was not displayed in 3D Sphere when the map was disabled
- FIX: map zoom was constrained to zoom level 15 max even when 3D terrain was not enabled in the Sphere. You can now zoom in further to zoom level 17.
2.6.16 Jan 7 2022
- UPDATED: for PRO subscribers, meteor showers can be enabled/disabled in the "body" settings control top right above the map. You must have the Milky Way enabled in order to enable/view meteor showers
- FIX: crescent moon visibility classification was incorrect in some cases.
2.6.15 Dec 11 2021
UPDATED: the web app now uses the same cookie management solution as our main website and your preferences there carry over to all subdomains. The change provides additional control for users subject to the GDPR (or UK GDPR) for cookie consent while at the same time reducing the number of consent prompts for all users.
If you reject 'basic functionality' cookies, then we are unable to load the help centre widget (normally appears bottom right of the page). A placeholder is displayed instead which, when clicked, asks you to consent to 'basic functionality' cookies and provides a link to the cookie preferences form.
If you reject 'experience enhancement cookies' we cannot load either Google Maps (for Pro subscribers) or embedded videos (e.g. on the Subscribe page). A placeholder is displayed asking you to consent to 'experience enhancement cookies' with a link to the cookie preferences form.
For users subject to the GDPR, you can customize your cookie preferences at any time by clicking the round green 'keyhole' button at the bottom left of the screen. If you are not subject to the GDPR, this button is not displayed. - UPDATED: packages and libraries
- FIX: user account info styling on subscription management page
2.6.11 Nov 24 2021
- FIX: Pro subscription purchases could not be completed due to a regression bug
2.6.10 Nov 20 2021
- FIX: various minor styling issues with Google Maps (PRO): map style controls, custom controls, StreetView control, Keyboard Shortcuts button. Google Maps library updated to 3.46
- FIX: app would previous crash when changing language selection while using Google Maps. Google Maps language is now managed based on your system or browser's language and region settings, rather than the language selected within Photo Ephemeris Web. (Bizarrely, Google appears to provide no way to switch the displayed language after the map has initially loaded.)
- IMPROVED: subscription page styling
- Updated packages and libraries.
2.6.9 Sep 2 2021
- FIX: PRO users reported being unable to drag/drop the map pins when using Google Maps since Sep 2 2021. This appears to be due a new release of the underlying Google Maps JS API library (3.46.3) that may have a regression bug. This release force downgrades the Google Maps library to the previous version (3.45) and drag/drop functionality has been restored. We've filed a bug report with Google for this and will continue to monitor.
2.6.8 Aug 29 2021
- FIX: the sun/moon/galactic centre dropdown control above the map was broken in the previous release.
2.6.7 Jul 29 2021
- UPDATE: well, there were a few layout issues and a browser freezing issue reported by some users in v2.6.6. So, we reverted to 2.6.4 and went about fixing them all - we think. v2.6.7 is now back up with more spit and polish. Let us know how you find it.
- IMPROVED: some major under-the-hood redecoration. It's like we stripped the wallpaper, re-plastered the walls, then hung the same wall-paper, cleaning up as we went. Why should you care? We fixed some alignment issues, squeezed out some more vertical space for larger maps, and made the page styling all rather more efficient. It'll pave the way for further UI improvements in the future.
- NEW: account registration requests are rate limited; localised error messages added when rate limiting prevents a new account being created. We imposed a rate limit on account registration and some other email generating functions to prevent abuse by spammers.
- Package and library updates
2.6.4 Jun 21 2021
- IMPROVED: 3D Terrain quality (requires PRO) is improved - see note below for further details
- NEW: Settings page includes 3D Terrain quality - choose between low (the previous default), medium and high
- NEW: Settings page has an option to Delete All Locations. Be aware that this does not just clear locations locally in the browser - it also deletes them permanently from your account, and therefore from all other devices that synchronize to your account (e.g. TPE for iOS)
- FIXED: some valid KML files would fail to import successfully (e.g. exports from the GaiaGPS app)
- 3D Terrain Quality changes: the number of polygons used to represent the 3D terrain in the 3D Sphere page has been doubled by default (depending on how you count it) - formerly it was 256 x 256. Now the medium default setting uses 512 x 512, and high uses 1024 x 1024. Generally speaking, unless you see performance issues (e.g. slow animation, sluggish response when interacting with the 3D model), you can safely use the High setting - your selection is saved with your account. (BUT: if you're using Safari on an older Mac (e.g. pre-2020), performance can be pretty slow, it seems - low setting is recommended in this case, or try an alternative browser.)
Here's the "before" (256 x 256, low):
And here's the new 'High' (1024 x 1024):
The improvement is sometimes subtle, but it's real - particularly on larger displays and at moderate map zoom levels where previously some detail was lost with the lower default triangle count.
2.6.3 - Jun 4 2021
- NEW: sign in page displays a warning message if browser is not compatible with the site
2.6.2 - Jun 1 2021
- NEW: error page now includes advice on supported browser versions
- Updated packages and dependencies
2.6.0 - May 14 2021
NEW: the timeline has been updated to use event specific background colors corresponding to the event type - blue twilights, golden sunrises, silvery moons, etc.
These are the same colours you'll see in our iOS app, but day and night mode are combined into one. As always, the coloured borders at the top of some panels have corresponding azimuth lines displayed on the map (e.g. sunrise, moonrise in the screenshot above) -
NEW: support for Lunar Eclipses (requires PRO subscription):
- Eclipse events are included in the timeline (Penumbral start/end, partial start/end, totality start/end, time of greatest eclipse)
- The umbral magnitude of the eclipse is shown in the event corresponding to the time of greatest eclipse
- In the 3D Sphere page, the moon and moonlight are shown as red during the period of totality - believe me, you won't fail to spot it 😬
NEW: hours of total darkness (i.e. from the end of astronomical twilight one night to the start the next morning) are indicated in the altitude chart for PRO subscribers. This, in conjunction with moon altitude and illumination, is useful for determining the best hours for astrophotography.
In this example from from April in Reykjavik, astronomical twilight ends after local midnight and darkness lasts only a couple of hours. The moon is up, but low in the sky and only 30% illuminated, meaning conditions would still be generally good for astrophotography, clouds permitting. (Plus, a 30% moon is sufficient to get some light into the landscape during a wide angle long exposure shot.) - The About menu item which linked to our website About page has been replaced by a "What's New" link to this page to provide better visibility of changes and updates to the web app.
2.5.4 - Apr 27 2021
- IMPROVED: if you navigate to the Locations page from the Sphere page, then select a location and set the red pin, the navigation returns to the Sphere page rather than the Map page as before
- IMPROVED: lighting refinements: midday sun is slightly less glary; ambient light at the extremes of the day is slightly brighter; moonlight is slightly brighter - all these should help with map legibility (see also the 'worklight' option described in v2.5.2 below).
- FIXED: 3D terrain would sometimes not be shown after a selecting a saved location or when a default location was set. This was due to no zoom level being set internally. It now defaults to 13 in the absence of any existing zoom value.
- FIXED: when opening from a URL, depending on the source, the incorrect time zone would be parsed from the URL parameter
- FIXED: if you added a location at a very low map zoom level (e.g. 0/1/2) and then tried to synch locations, an error would be generated because the longitude span was out of range. Longitude span is now normalized to within 0 - 360 degrees prior to adding or synching locations. Minimum map zoom level is now 2.
2.5.3 - Apr 26 2021
- FIXED: 3D Sphere with maps enabled would crash if the app was opened from a URL containing a zoom level parameter that was floating point number, e.g. z=11.5
2.5.2 - Apr 25 2021
- NEW: taking more inspiration from the theatre, there is now a "worklight" button at the top right of the 3D Sphere. On dark moonless nights, you can switch this on to be able to see the full map even when no source of "natural light" is available. The light is a night vision style fluorescent green so there's no mistaking it for simulated sun or moonlight. The "workers" (as we used to call working light fixtures in my theatre days) turn off as you adjust the time-slider, so all you see is simulated natural light. When you stop adjusting the time, and release the slider button, if enabled, the workers will switch on once again.
2.5.1 - Apr 24 2021
- IMPROVED much better animation performance for the 3D Sphere - improved from ~40fps to 60fps on my development system when both the sun and moon were up.
- IMPROVED 3D terrain loading speeds improved (now served via CDN)
2.5.0 - Apr 23 2021
- NEW This version displays a map in the 3D Sphere page. The displayed map type is the current default map type selection (Google Maps are unavailable in the 3D sphere page)
- NEW For PRO subscribers, 3D topography (terrain) can be shown with lighting and shadow effects for the sun and moon. 3D Terrain is available between map zoom levels 8-15. Outside that range, the display reverts to showing a flat map instead
NEW controls have been added to the Sphere page:
- Toggle map on/off
- Toggle 3D terrrain on/off (requires PRO subscription and the map to be enabled)
- Toggle Visual Search controls on/off
- Select map style
- Adjust map zoom level (when map enabled)
- NEW During hours of true darkness (after end of astronomical twilight, when moon is down or <10% illuminated), a "ghost light" shines down on the red pin and surrounding area. This indicates excellent times to shoot the Milky Way (and it let's you see enough to get your bearings)
- NEW When the sun or moon are above the horizon, and as you adjust the time of day slider, the 3D Sphere now includes projection lines (i.e. the continuation of the line from sun-to-pin or moon-to-pin). When 3D Terrain is enabled (see above), these lines indicate the point on the ground where you would need to stand to align the sun/moon with the ground under the primary pin. Of course, you'll only see them when the pin is on higher ground than the surrounding terrain, such as a mountain top.
- NEW Display Options controls are now included in the Sphere page. You can optionally show the timeline instead of the altitude chart, or you can hide both to create additional space for the 3D model.
- IMPROVED Milky Way appearance has been refined to make the spheres partly transparent
- IMPROVED Various performance optimizations to 3D Sphere rendering performance (although the new map and topography adds new load)
- IMPROVED On switching away from the Sphere page and then back again, the camera position is now saved and restored, i.e. you can switch pages without losing your view point.
- NEW Lunar Apogee and Perigee events have been added. These appear on the timeline and are included in the set of events considered by the next/previous event buttons. A perigee full moon is commonly known as a 'supermoon'.
- NEW Moon phase and lunar apogee/perigee events when displayed on the timeline indicate the percentage increase in the apparent size of the moon's disc relative to its smallest appearance (i.e. relative to extreme apogee). By this measure, the largest 'supermoon' appears ~14% larger than the smallest apogee moon. You can inspect this value to gauge the relative size of the moon at the time of the event in question. Generally, for photographers, bigger is better.
- NEW Settings: check "Use current date/time on load" to open at the current time/date instead of the last used time/date - this setting is ignored if the URL you use to open the app contains a date/time (if you have a saved bookmark, check it to ensure it does not contain unwanted location or date/time - this is the most common reason the app will alway open at the 'wrong' place or on a past date)
- NEW Settings: you can optionally set a default location from the primary (red) map pin. When set, the app will always open at this location, except if the URL you are opening already specifies the map pin position (check your saved bookmark if appropriate - you probably want it to read just with no trailing parameters)
- IMPROVED Saved locations: title field max length is now validated to be less 500 characters
- IMPROVED The feature comparison chart on the subscription page now include links to additional information about each feature
- IMPROVED The Sphere page now includes a compatibility check for browser and hardware. This should avoid displaying error messages without any context or explanation in cases where the system is incompatible
- FIX enabling meteors in version 2.4.0 would cause the app to crash
- FIX fixed a bug where occasionally the position band of the Milky Way in the 3D Sphere would get 'left behind' after the time of day was changed.
- FIX fixed a bug where a KML file with a single Placemark was not successfully imported
- FIX fixed a bug where the most recent date/time and map settings were discarded on changing to a page other than the Map - this may account for some more frequent visits to Timbuktu than intended...
Known limitations:
- In some areas, particularly coastal areas, there are visible artefacts in the 3D terrain data
- You cannot navigate or change the primary pin position while in the 3D Sphere page - return to the Map page to adjust the pin location
- In case of network errors while loading the map data for the 3D Sphere, the app will show a an error symbol (bomb emoji) - please try reloading the page. You may need to return to the map page and switch map types before retrying
- Please send us your feedback on this new functionality!
2.4.0 - Apr 12 2021
- Adds Mapbox Satellite maps option for Pro subscribers - see the list of map types at the top left of the default map
- Adds a new option in Settings to control how the current time zone display is formatted
2.3.2 - Mar 14 2021
- Add feedback survey options for Pro subscribers
2.3.1 - Mar 13 2021
- Search for a coordinate at the equator (latitude zero degrees) resulted in 'very bad things happening'. No more. Feel free to equate your way around the world…
2.3.0 - Mar 12 2021
- Adds display of Solstice and Equinox times to the timeline
- Previous/Next Event now include solstice and equinox events in addition to moon phase events
- Parsing of coordinates entered in non-English supported languages is now correct (previously it would sometimes complain that the coordinate could not be parsed even when valid)
- If you need to sign in before reaching your intended page, the app now redirects correctly post sign-in (previously it would always redirect to the home page showing the map).
2.2.22 - Feb 26 2021
- Improved links to Nature First on Locations page and Share form: adds logo and statement of principle #4
- Updated libraries
2.2.21 - Feb 6 2021
- Adds a new display settings control on the Map and Sphere pages providing more convenient access to toggle the sun, moon and/or galactic centre on or off
- Updated time zone data to IANA TZDB
2.2.19 - Feb 3 2021
- Under-the-hood library updates
2.2.18 - Jan 31 2021
- Account sign up/email verification, password reset, and account locked notification are now sent in the current selected language (supported languages are English, Spanish, French, Italian, German, Polish, Korean)
- Improvements to the display mode controls - now more compact and space efficient, and labels are now shown in the drop down
- Links to our partner Nature First are now shown on the Locations page and Share form: please take the time to check these out and consider how/whether to share photo location data
2.2.15 - Oct 30 2020
- Major version updates to underlying libraries and packages
- Moved all 'toast' notifications to top right to make it easier to switch back from Settings to other pages without having to dodge the notification while clicking
- Fix initial zoom level on switching to Google maps - it is now set correctly (previously it would always reset to zoom level 13)
- Fix occasional bug with Google Maps where valid coordinate was not set for geodetics lines
2.2.12 - Oct 21 2020
- Rolled back some package updates that appeared to be throwing errors for some users
- Adjusted order and size of day of week/time/time zone label at top left of map to reduce flickering on change of selected time of day
2.2.11 - Oct 20 2020
- Fixes KML import for exports from TPE from Android on certain Android versions
- Google Maps is now loaded in your selected language (on subsequent change of selected language you will need to reload the page to have the new selection shown in the map)
- Updated libraries and packages
2.2.10 - Oct 8 2020
- Maintenant disponible en français!
- Added a short promo video to the Subscribe page show-casing Pro features
2.2.9 - Oct 7 2020
- Display user name instead of email at top right (improved data privacy)
- Styling and translation refinements
2.2.8 - Oct 3 2020
- Light pollution map overlay now available at all map zoom levels. If you're at a higher map zoom level you may need to zoom out a couple of levels before it appears, but thereafter you can zoom in once again and the layer will remain visible.
2.2.7 - Oct 1 2020
- Ora disponibile in italiano!
- Visual search: added a new button on the search form "Use current position". Click this to set the search area to the current position of the selected body. The button is disabled if the body is below the horizon for the selected date time. This is useful for searches where you want to ask "show me more dates where the [sun|moon|galactic centre] is here"
- Fix: visual search could give false positive results if the lower bound of the altitude range or the altitude target was zero
2.2.6 - Sep 27 2020
- Some Visual Search fixes and refinements...
- If geodetics is enabled and you perform a target mode search (i.e. range mode is unchecked), and the search is conducted with altitude priority checked, then the results may display a distance to the right or left. This represents how far you would need to move the red pin (think of it as the shooting position) to achieve a perfect alignment while looking at the grey pin. The bigger the difference in of result azimuth from geodetics azimuth, the farther you'd have to move.
- Of course, this is another practical reason to conduct your target mode searches with altitude priority on: generally you have much more latitude to move your camera from left to right than you do up and down.
- On the 3D Sphere, the end of the shadow of the red pin now touches the edge of the ground cylinder when the sun is at +6 degrees - subtle, but makes things consistent with the 6-degree shadow circle on the map
- Bug fix: sometimes clicking the Search button would have no effect. This was due to form validation errors on hidden fields.
- Bug fix: some feasible search results were not found due to an internal error for high latitude locations
- Bug fix: browser console errors complaining about date formats are fixed. To resolve this, the day of the week is no longer displayed in the date selection control itself, but rather with the time of day displayed just above the map at the left.
- Improvement: You should now see a nicer 'please reload' message instead of an error page if you need to refresh the page to load the latest version of the app.
2.2.5 - Sep 25 2020
- Styling improvements in Visual Search UI for Windows users: avoid double scroll bars; avoid wrap-around for filters on smaller screens; avoid search results overflowing their bounds and overlapping
- When changing tabs or enabling/disabling range mode in Visual Search, form values are now restored consistently and insignificant floating point discrepancies are no longer displayed (e.g. 1.7° instead of 1.7000000000000002°)
- Error messages for visual search azimuth range values have been clarified
2.2.4 - Sep 22 2020
- The geodetics panel now shows the rhumb line bearing rather than the initial bearing of the great circle. The great circle bearing is display in a tooltip if you hover over the bearing label or value. With the increase in precision to two decimal places in displayed azimuths (v1 showed only 1 decimal place), the difference can cause confusion. The map line from primary to secondary pin is shown as a rhumb line and so the bearing should reflect the same. The rhumb line bearing is also used when the secondary pin is shown on the 3D Sphere and when 'Use geodetics' is clicked to set Visual Search parameters.
2.2.3 - Sep 21 2020
- NEW: Visual Search. Visual search allows you to find dates and times when you can see the sun, moon or galactic centre in a specified position or area of the sky. Access Visual Search via the 3D Sphere page. Tutorial available: Using Photo Ephemeris Web, Part 8: Visual Search
- You can either enter a target azimuth and altitude with a tolerance if you require a specific position, or to search within a range, check 'range' and specify the az/alt range you would like to search.
- For position targets, you can check or uncheck altitude priority to indicate which measure is more important for your shot. The tolerance is applied to the other field. E.g. if you search for the sun at az: 90°, alt: +6° with a 1° tolerance, then if altitude priority is checked, the results will all be pretty much exactly at alt: +6°, but azimuth can vary by ±1°. If altitude priority is unchecked, then the results will be at az: 90°, but the altitude may vary by ±1°. Generally, altitude priority performs better, especially in the tropics and in the Arctic/Antarctic circles
- When using range mode, results are shown with a time range when the body is in the specified range. For the moon, the illuminated fraction is shown. A simple visual indication of the path of the body through the range is shown (not to scale).
- If you have geodetics enabled and the elevation angle from red to grey pin is above the horizon, you can set the target or range by clicking the "Use geodetics" button in the Visual Search form. This is useful as a way to quickly find when, for example, the moon will be sat above a mountain peak.
- The search area is shown in the 3D sphere - it is quite small by default (4°). Try increasing the range or tolerance to 15° or more to see it clearly.
- The size of the sun and moon in the 3D sphere can now be controlled. For high precision visual search work, ×1 is recommended. You may also wish to zoom in to the model to see the results more clearly. In addition, the displayed size of both sun and moon is correct for the selected date/time. You'll be hard-pressed ever to see a difference in the size of the sun (it barely changes year round), but the change in the apparent size of the moon can be easily observed (perigee vs apogee change in distance from earth)
- The moon is now available in the 3D Sphere to all users. Visual Search for the sun is also available. Using Visual Search with the Moon or Galactic Centre requires a Pro subscription
- Visual Search filters. Apply one or more filters to your visual search results. You can specify filters manually - click '+' to add, choose the body, the property and set the values, then click Apply. Multiple filters can be used in combination
- For the Moon and Galactic Centre, some suggested filters are shown. Click one or more of the suggestions then click Apply.
- Suggested filters for the Moon include:
- 'Supermoon' - a perigee full moon
- Full moon - 95-100% illuminated
- New moon - 1-5% illuminated and waxing
- Cresent moon - 1-25% illuminated
- Near sunrise/sunset - sun between +2° and -2° altitude (good times for shooting the moon)
- Civil/Nautical twilight
- Suggested filters for the Galactic Centre include:
- Astronomical twilight - sky is almost dark and stars are visible
- Darkness - after/before astronomical twilight
- Moonless night - darkness, plus the moon below -6°
- Crescent moon - 1-25% illuminated (enough moonlight to illuminate a landscape, but not too much to overly impair the stars)
- Improved Visual Search results listings:
- For "range" results, click the item to set the time to the middle of the range, or click the start and end time independently
- Hold the Windows or Command key while you click a result to navigate directly to the map at the selected date/time
- Total results and filtered results count is shown
- Clicking a range result where the body passes through the range more than once will set the time to the middle of each crossing in turn for each click.
- Disc alignment: for the sun or moon, specify the preferred alignment for the body (centre - default, upper limb - top, lower limb - bottom). For example, if you want the moon to appear sat atop a mountain, use lower limb, so the moon is fully visible. If you want a sun star as it clears a ridge-line, choose upper limb, so you catch the sun just as it appears/disappears.
- Hold the Command/Windows key when clicking search to start the search from today's date instead of the selected date
- Corrections/improvements to Polish translation (thanks Jarek)
- Note: Visual Search-related text is in English only in this beta, but localised versions will be added soon.
2.1.10 - Sep 5 2020
- Allow linking directly to subscribe page for signed in users
- Under-the-hood changes in readiness for Visual Search support
2.1.8 - Aug 19 2020
- Additional major meteor showers: Quadrantids, Lyrids, Eta Aquariids, Delta Aquariids, Alpha Capricornids, Southern Taurids, Northern Taurids, Leonids, Geminids, Ursids
- Meteor shower positioning now accounts for radiant drift. Right ascension and declination are recalculated daily - greater frequency seems unnecessary for general photographic purposes. Previously, the radiant was always shown for peak activity date only
- Meteor shower labels now include a link icon that opens a reference page, typically Wikipedia, containing further information on the event
- Settings now allows meteors to be enabled or disabled - they default to off, so be sure to visit Settings to enable them if you wish. Meteor data requires a Pro subscription
- 3D Celestial Sphere is now available to all users for the sun. A subscription is required to display the moon, galactic centre and band of the Milky Way, plus meteor showers
- Minor UI/UX refinements and fixes
2.1.6 - Aug 10 2020
- Fixed regression bug where password reset links would be redirected to the /join page
2.1.5 - Aug 9 2020
- Add Galactic Centre rise/transit/set (enable in Settings page, requires Pro subscription)
- Adds 3D Celestial Sphere for Pro subscribers (click 'Sphere' in the navigation links). This shows a topocentric globe showing sun, moon and band of the Milky Way in a 3D representation. Azimuths are indicated at the edge of the disc. The model displays the primary map pin at the centre and the secondary geodetics pin, if enabled, at the corresponding apparent altitude, allowing for az/alt comparisons to sun, moon or galactic centre. The azimuth to the top of the band of the Milky Way is also indicated (light grey indicator). Sunlight and moonlight direction, intensity and color temperature are shown. The map pins cast shadows, to give a sense of direction and relative length (shadow ratio). If the elevation above the horizon is set, the dip of horizon is reflected in the ground plane of the 3D model.
- You can adjust the camera view of the 3D Celestial Sphere with the mouse or trackpad. Zoom with the mouse wheel or pinch with two fingers on a trackpad (you may need to push up/pull down with two fingers in Safari on macOS). Right-click drag to pan with a mouse, shift-drag when using a trackpad. A full tutorial is available here: Using Photo Ephemeris Web, Part 7: 3D Celestial Sphere
- New: Meteor shower radiant points (the point in the sky from which individual meteors appear to radiate) are shown in the 3D Celestial Sphere. So far, we've added just the Perseids (for this week's peak date) and the Orionids - more to follow. The radiant is indicated along with the name and approximate peak date.
- Fix: sign up form would not recognise first and last names containing any diacritics
- If the altitude of a body is lower than the apparent horizon (0° or below, if elevation above the horizon is set), the altitude is greyed out in the altitude chart legend.
- If geodetics is enabled and the altitude of a body is lower than the apparent altitude from primary to secondary pin (e.g. the sun is lower than the summit of the mountain), the altitude is greyed out in the altitude chart legend.
- Changes to how URLs work: previously, as you changed the date, time, map pin positions etc. the browser URL would be updated continuously. This behaviour has changed in 2.1. The URL is no longer updated as you work. Instead, you can obtain a link by using the Share button at the right above the map. You can copy the link, share to Twitter or Facebook, and in supported browsers (Safari, primarily) you will see an additional sharing button that presents operating system-specific options.
- On loading a URL that contains shot planning parameters (see TPE URL Parameters), the URL is processed and then the query parameters are deleted. URL handling should be more reliable than before, particularly if you are not already signed into the app, or are using private browsing.
- Further refinements to rise/set calculations to streamline algorithms across web and mobile versions
- Added Polish translation (thank you, Jarek T!)
- Added American English as a language option (e.g. "Military time" rather than "24-hour clock", etc.)
2.0.46 - Jun 29 2020
- Refinements to rise/set calculations to better match mobile app results
- Under-the-hood additions in readiness for Milky Way support (coming soon)
2.0.45 - Jun 19 2020
- Restore Google Elevation service correctly in a new session if it was previously selected
2.0.44 - Jun 18 2020
- PRO users can now select which elevation data service they would like to use. Guidance on selection is available here: Understanding elevation data sources
- During sign up, if you're already registered, the displayed message is now friendlier and includes a link directly to the Sign In page
2.0.43 - Jun 8 2020
- Sign In page now includes a 'Keep me signed in' option. This avoids generating a long-lived authentication token for users who prefer not to stay signed in between sessions. When checked, you can stay signed in for up to 12 months if your browser is not configured to reject or delete cookies between sessions
2.0.42 - Jun 6 2020
- Adds Spanish and Korean localizations
- A warning is displayed if we cannot deliver successfully to your registered account email address: you should update and re-verify your email address. If you believe it's a "false positive", i.e. the email address is correct, then sign out and request a password reset email - if it is delivered successfully, the warning will be cleared
- Updated privacy policy and additional cookie policy
2.0.41 - Jun 4 2020
- For free users, the default topographic map has been changed from OpenTopoMap to OpenCycleMap. We've been seeing persistent performance issues with OpenTopoMap, likely due to high traffic levels.
2.0.40 - Jun 2 2020
- When geodetics is enabled, a saved location can now be used to set the secondary pin (or the primary pin). This option is displayed only geodetics is enabled in order to keep the user experience simpler for users unfamiliar with the geodetics tools.
2.0.39 - May 31 2020
- Add notranslate tags to prevent Google Translate from prompting to translate the site (which is not supported and breaks things)
- Add styling to <noscript> tag to ensure legibility
- Add link to "Why won't this site load" article, displayed if app fails to initialize
- Add warning about Google Translate (not supported) to error component
2.0.38 - May 28 2020
- Initial v2.0 public release
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