This page lists the currently available map styles in Photo Ephemeris Web. A mix of map styles is offered to suit different situations. If you're a landscape photographer, you probably want a topographic map. For city/urban photography, a street map or satellite map is probably the best choice. See the descriptions below for details.
Please note: available map styles are subject to change.
If you would like to learn how to change the selected map style, see Changing the map style.
Free Map Styles
Neighborhood - street map, recommended for city and urban locations
Open Cycle Map - combined topographic and street map, with cycling paths/trails (docs)
Atlas - a clear map style for both navigation and local context.
German/Deutsch Map Black & White - black and white street map style with German labels
PRO Map Styles
The following additional map styles are available for users with a PRO subscription.
Google Maps - standard, terrain, and satellite
Google StreetView is also available:
MapBox Satellite - an alternate satellite style, without labels. It's often worth comparing with Google Satellite maps to see differences in age of the imagery (e.g. new construction) and angle of shot (steeper, i.e. shot from directly above, is better for planning purposes, and different satellites take different orbits...)
USGS Topo and Imagery Topo - United States Geographic Service topographic map and combined satellite and topo map, with excellent coverage of North America; particularly suitable for landscape locations (note: contours and marked elevations are shown in feet, except for Hawaii which uses meters 🤷🏻♂️)
Thunderforest Outdoors - for all the outdoor enthusiasts: hiking, skiing and other activities
Thunderforest Landscape - a global style focused on information about the natural world - great for rural context
Thunderforest Transport - map shows public transportation in great detail; available in dark and light styles
Thunderforest Mobile Atlas - a high contrast map style suitable for difficult lighting conditions
OpenTopoMap - a detailed topographic map style, ideal for landscape photography in remote locations
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