In TPE for iOS, if your phone or tablet has poor reception/service, and you save a location, it is possible that the app will save an incorrect or unknown time zone and/or elevation above sea level.
Additionally, if you use an override time zone (e.g. GMT +0600), this will be saved with the location.
If you need to correct this data, or to change a saved location to use the automatically detected time zone, you can follow the process below
Bad Time Zone and Elevation
If you add a location while your device is offline, you may see a '?' for the elevation and/or an incorrect time zone corresponding to the last detected location you were using on the map, as shown in the example below:
To correct this, when you device has internet access once again, select the location from your saved locations list and choose Edit:
Upon editing the location, the Time zone and elevation will be refreshed, as shown:
Click Done to save you changes.
Correcting a saved overriden time zone
In Settings, you can select an override time zone as shown:
If you then set the primary map pin to a new location, the app will ask if you want to continue to use the override time zone or the automatically detected time zone. You can choose to use the override time zone:
If you then save the Location, the override time zone is used. In this example, Hexham in England is properly in Europe/London, but here it is set to GMT+0600:
If you later want to revert to the automatically detected time zone, you can 'nudge' the app into updating it by Editing the saved location (see above), then tap into either the latitude or longitude field and type an extra '0' (zero) on the end, then hit Return on the keyboard. This will cause the app to requery both time zone and elevation, but the pin position remains unchanged:
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